West Virginia PreK is a part of the West Virginia Board of Education. Children who are age four by September 1, or who are age three with a development delay of 25% in two or more areas, are eligible for this program. The program is designed to provide opportunities for children to receive prek services in a setting that is most appropriate. There is no charge for this program.
Programs within West Virginia are inclusive, including county boards of education, Head Start programs, and childcare programs, so that all children have access to high quality programs and are not segregated by income, ability, funding stream, care needs or other characteristics.
The WV PreK classrooms at Early Education Station are a combination of staff from Mason County Schools, Head Start and Early Education Station. The WV PreK classes are in operation Monday through Thursday (8:00 am till 3:00 pm) during all days of operation for Mason County Schools. A four year old after school classroom is available for any children needing care after school hours. The four year old childcare class also operates any day the school system is not in session, including inclement weather days, breaks and summers.
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