The staff at Early Education Station have several criteria in which to gauge your child's development progress. Below is the checklist used for the infant progress reports:
Social/Emotional Development
Shows independence (18 - 24 mth)
Plays near another child (24-30mth)
Shows empathy towards others (22 - 24 mth)
Participates in interactive activities (30 +)
Plays easy circle games with adults (30+)
Transitions easily at caregivers separation (30+)
Claims owership with the word "mine" (24+)
Transitions smoothly between activities (30+)
Plays appropiately with other children (36+)
Physical Development
Moves to music and plays simple instruments (24-30 mth)
Creates with various art supplies ( 24-30 mth)
Snips with safe scissors (24-30)
Strings beads, pegs, etc (24-30)
Fits together easy pictures or shape puzzles (24-30 mth)
Throws, kicks, catches large balls (24-30)
Hops with both feet (24-30 mth)
Balances on one foot when shown ( 30-36 mth)
Walk backward/tiptoes when shown (30-36 mth)
Pedals a riding toy (30-36 mth)
Language Development
Sing/say parts of an easy song, rhyme, fingerplay (24-30 mth)
Uses 3 word sentences (24 -30 mth)
Uses 50+ words (24-30 mth)
Helps tell a story (30-36 mth)
Uses words to describe, such as big, pretty… (30-36 mth)
Uses 300-1000 words (30-36 mth)
Cognitive Development (Thinking Skills)
Remembers where things go and puts them away (24-30 mth)
Pretend play with things they know about (24-30 mth)
When shown can stack/nest objects 3-6 (24-30 mth)
Knows use/matches familiar items (24-30 mth)
Tells between "one/many", "big/little" when asked (24-30 mth)
Answers easy what, where, why questions (24-30 mths)
Copies matching/sorting of simple objects (30-36 mth)
Knows how many "two" is; shows age 2 with fingers (30-36 mth)
Begins to understand opposites (30-36 mth)
Identify 6 body parts when asked (30-36 mth)
Copies someone else counting (30-36 mth)
Shows red, yellow, and blue when asked (30-36 mth)
Self Help Skills
Brushes teeth (24 + mth)
Toileting skills (24 -36 mth)
Looks at picture books independently (24-30 mth)
Dresses self with help/ large buttons (24-30 mth)
Remembers and follows few simple rules (30-36 mth)
Says full name when asked (30-36 mth)
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