The staff at Early Education Station have several criteria in which to gauge your child's development progress. Below is the checklist used for the infant progress reports:
Social/Emotional Development
Shows/hands objects to an adult (12 mth)
Enjoys an audience/applause (10-14 mth)
Displays independence - the "no" stage (12 - 15 mth)
Claims ownership of objects (12 - 18 mth)
Enjoys music/songs (12 - 18 mth)
Stays with the teacher a lot (12-15 mth)
Laughs out loud when playing chasing / hiding games (12-18 mth)
Mimics what others do (12-18 mth)
Imitates using props (phones,dolls, etc) (18 - 24 mth)
Physical Development
Uses pincer grasp (10 - 12 mth)
Rolls a Ball (10-12 mth)
Walks (11 - 13 mth)
Rises from sitting (12 -15 mth)
Stacks two or more blocks (12 - 16 mth)
Throws (13 - 16 mth)
Scribbles (13 - 18 mth)
Fills and dumps items (13 - 19 mth)
Turns pages in a book (14 - 15 mth)
Beginning to run (14 -18 mth)
Plays with push toys (15 - 18 mth)
Rides a four-wheeled riding toy (15-18 mht)
Self Help Skills
Cooperates with dressing (extends arm/leg) (10-12 mth)
Finger feeds self (9-12 mth)
Drinks from cup (12 - 18 mth)
Self feeding with spoon - some spilling (15 - 24 mth)
Cognitive Development (Thinking Skills)
Looks for ball which rolled out of sight (12 - 13 mth)
Plays within one area (12-15 mth)
Points to eyes and mouth (12-15 mth)
Enjoys filling containers (12-15 mth)
Explores environment (12 - 15 mth)
Finds hidden objects (14 - 15 mth)
Follows one step directions (15 -18 mth)
Works whole piece puzzle (15 - 18 mth)
Follows one step command (15-19mth)
Mathces objects with assistance (15 - 19 mth)
Enjoys painting with hands (16 mths +)
Language Development
Shows understanding of words by appropriate gestures (9-14 mth)
Asks for something by pointing at it (11-14 mths)
Says four to ten words (12 -14 mth)
Attempts to sing (13 -16 mth)
Brings favorite book to adult to be read (14-16 mth)
Echos last word spoken (17 -19 mth)
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