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Three Year Olds

Progress Reports

three year olds playing

The staff at Early Education Station have several criteria in which to gauge your child's development progress. Below is the checklist used for the infant progress reports:

Social/Emotional Development
Self Concept - Shows pride and confidence in ability
Self Concept - Knows first and last name / Knows age
Self Control - Expresses feelings with words (does not harm others)
Cooperation - Takes turns and helps others
Social Relationships - Develops friendships
Social Relationships - Responds to peers who are in need, upset or angry
Social Relationships - Responds appropriately to harmful activities
Knowledge of Communities - Respects differences among people
Knowledge of Communities - Participates in role playing
Initiative - Eagerness to learn about topics, ideas and tasks
Engagement - Increasing ability to sets goals and follow through (play)

Physical Development Fine Motor Skills - Strength/control to use scissors (Holds correctly
) Fine Motor Skills - Ability to use writing tools (pencil, marker, brush, etc)
Eye-Hand Coordination - Builds with blocks, strings beads, works puzzle
Gross Motor Skills - Control in running, climbing, jumping
Gross Motor Skills - Ability to skip, gallop, hop, march
Gross Motor Skills - Ability to throw, catch, bounce balls
Physical Status - Participates actively in outdoor/gross motor play

Language Development
Listening - Ability to attend to conversation, stories and songs
Understanding - Ability to follow simple and multi-step directions
Communication - Expresses information, experiences, questions, etc
Speaking - Uses sentences
Speaking - Repeats songs/finger plays

Cognitive Development (Thinking Skills)
Phonological Awareness - Recognizes rhymes in stories and songs
Print Awareness - Recognizes that speech can be written down
Book Knowledge - Views book front to back, one page at time
Book Appreciation - Shows interest in listening to books
Alphabet Knowledge - Recognizes name
Early Writing - Beginning to use scribbles or pictures to represent ideas
Numerical Awareness - Counts to ten
Relationships - Matches objects
Relationships - Sorts objects
Names colors - red green yellow blue purple orange black white
Names shapes - square rectangle circle triangle

Self Help Skills
Toileting skills
Buttons large button
Puts coat on
Feeds self with utensils
Helps clean up toys
Washes hands unassisted

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