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Progress Reports

infants playing

The staff at Early Education Station have several criteria in which to gauge your child's development progress. Below is the checklist used for the infant progress reports:

Social/Emotional Development
Prefers sight, sound and smell of primary caregiver (0 - 1 mth)
Enjoys physical contact (0 - 3 mths)
Looks at face (0 - 1 mth)
Smiles (0 - 2 mth)
Maintains eye contact (0- 2 mths)
Relaxes body when held (0 - 3 mths)
Coos when talked to (3 - 5 mths)
Enjoys social play (3 - 6 mths)
Discriminates strangers - needs "warm up time" (3 - 6 mth)
Lifts arms to parent (5 - 9 mth)
Smiles at self in mirror (6 - 8 mth)
Shows stress when separating from parent (6 - 10 mth)

Physical Development
Turns head both directions when on back or stomach (0 - 2 mth)
Lifts head when on shoulder (0 - 1 mth)
Kicks (1 - 2 mth)
Begins hands to middle of body (1 - 3 mth)
Follows moving object with eyes (1 - 3 mth)
Grasps toys (2 -4 mth)
Holds object (2 - 4 mth)
Rolls from stomach to back (2 - 5 mth)
Holds head steady with supported sitting (4 - 5 mth)
Reaches for object and transfers with hands (5 - 6 mth)
Sits (5 - 8 mth)
Rolls from back to stomach (6 - 8 mth)
Crawls (7 - 9 mth)
Pulls self up (9 - 12 mth)

Language Development
Cry varies in pitch, length and volume to indicate needs (1 - 5 mth)
Squeals (3 -5 mths)
Responds to sound/voices by vocalizing (3 - 6 mth)
Babbles "dada" or "mama" (6 - 9 mth)
Shouts for attention (7 - 8 mth)
Waves bye-bye (6 - 9 mth)
Shows understanding of words by appropriate gesture (9 - 14 mth)
Cognitive Development (Thinking Skills)
Shows pleasure when touched (0 - 6 mth)
Inspects surroundings (1 - 2 mth)
Focuses on hands (2 - 3 mth)
Reaches and bats for items (2 -3 mth)
Uses hands and mouth for sensory exploration (3 - 6 mth)
Imitates movements (4 - 5 mth)
Touches toy to restart activity (5 - 9 mth)
Shows interest in sounds of objects (5-8 mths)
Plays "Peek-a-boo" (6 - 10 mth)

Self Help Skills
Brings hand to mouth with toy or object (3-5 mth)
Swallows strained/pureed foods (3-6 mths)
Holds own bottle (5 - 6 mth)
Feeds self cracker (6 - 8 mth)
Drinks from sippee cup (6 - 8 mth)
Bites/chews toys (7 -8 mth)
Holds spoon (9 - 12 mth)
Finger feeds self (9 - 12 mth)
Cooperates with dressing by extending arm or leg (10 - 12 mth)

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